The OM Foundation
Education : A right, not a privilege.

Education : A right, not a privilege.

Kashish Kaushik
Volunteer , Christ University
Firstly, education is a fundamental right of every child, regardless of gender. By denying girls
access to education, we are not only violating their basic rights but also limiting their potential to
contribute to society in the future.
Secondly, education has a positive impact

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Service to humanity : Service to God

Service to humanity : Service to God

India is a land of various cultures, traditions and regions. Yet the one thing that unites us all together is our humanity. Humanity – a fusion of the beautiful words of love, compassion and kindness.
Think of the last time you helped someone, it may be as simple as holding

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“Share The Warmth” New Year 2023 celebration

“Share The Warmth” New Year 2023 celebration

Surya Putry Rashmi Malhotra
The Om Foundation Charitable Trust is helping the children who are not so fortunate from last eleven years. Our aim is to provide education and nutrition to the children who are drop outs from school , orphans or belong to very poor families. We inculcate

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Winter foods to improve immunity in children

Winter foods to improve immunity in children

Parul Bahl
WINTERS….What do you think of when someone mentions winter? Heavy, itchy woollen clothes? Chapped lips and cracked heels? Sure winter is all of this, but did you also know that winter is the best season to improve immunity? During this time, people feel hungrier. Amazingly, the

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Educate a Girl Child

Educate a Girl Child

Suryaputry Rashmi Malhotra
“Every girl child should be educated as she will educate a family and inspire the society to educate and prosper”
With aim of “Beti Padhao Desh Badhao” The OM Foundation Charitable Trust (Regd.) is conducting OM Pathshala for the girls of underprivileged families since 2011.

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Celebrate National Nutrition Month

Celebrate National Nutrition Month

Suryaputry Rashmi Malhotra
Chairperson, TOF
“The human body needs energy and nutrients to function. If food intake is inadequate, the body begins to break down body fat and muscle, the metabolism begins to slow down, thermal regulation is disrupted, the immune system is weakened, and kidney function is impaired” says

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Nutrition for Covid-19 Infection and Recovery

Nutrition for Covid-19 Infection and Recovery

Parul Malhotra Bahal
Diet Expressions
Covid-19 pandemic has impacted billions across the globe. Along with prevention and vaccination it’s necessary to follow healthy dietary habits not only to protect but to fight and recover from this infection.
Optimal nutrition and dietary nutrient intake impacts the immune system, therefore the

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Embrace the miracle of Nutmeg

Embrace the miracle of Nutmeg

Tired of anxious and sleepless nights? It’s time to embrace the miracle of nutmeg
By Parul Malhotra Bahl
Since time immemorial, our great-grandmothers have been using various spices in the kitchen for their medicinal properties. Many such spices have vanished from our kitchen shelves today. One of them

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India is a land of great diversity but with diversity there comes various disparities and
inequalities. The concept of gender is not sui generis to the society, from the 5
th century itself,
gender has been classified into male and female. From the moment babies are born, their
assigned sex

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Imbalance between rich and poor during the Covid Pandemic

Imbalance between rich and poor during the Covid Pandemic

“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.” It has
been rightly observed by Plutarch that the mere existence of perennial policies which do not
cater to the evolution in society become egregious to the interest of people. The summum bonum

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