The OM Foundation

सही पोषण- राष्ट्र रोशन (Seminar)

Food is a basic requirement. Consuming the right combination of foods is called NUTRITION which is highly essential for sound health, normal maintenance of life, survival, and well-being of children. The nutrients derived from food depend on the variety, quality, and quantity consumed.

An adequate well-balanced diet is crucial for child survival, health and development. Well-nourished children are more likely to be healthy, productive and ready to learn. Therefore The OM Foundation organised a seminar “सही पोषण- राष्ट्र रोशन” on 14th January 2021. Where Mrs. Parul Bahl, a renown Nutritionist, talked on the various aspects of Nutrition. She addressed the mothers of children belonging to underprivileged families regarding how ,when and why to give nutritious food to children.
Dr. Sanjeev Arora also said that due to Covid poor families have suffered economically and this program will teach mothers how to bring nutrition in children’s diet economically.Ms. Sonali Singhal , psychologist, also gave innovative ideas of adding nutrients in the diet of the children.

Surya Putry Rashmi Malhotra, Chairperson of The OM Foundation, emphasised that Undernutrition stunts intellect, reduces productivity and perpetuates poverty. It increases a child’s chance of dying and increases their susceptibility to childhood infections also, such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria.
Stunting causes irreversible physical and mental damage for children. It negatively affects school attendance and performance. This, in turn, can reduce later adult income-generation. Undernutrition reduces economic advancement due to losses in productivity, poorer cognition and poorer educational outcomes.

The program was commensed by distributing Nutrition Food Kits to the mothers who attended the program.

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